| 1. | Gun crews , you must run out and tie down in double - quick time 炮手班,你们要立即出来,迅速架好炮
| 2. | You ' ll lead your gun crew , then when we board , you ' ll take command of the ship 你带领你的炮手班,我们上船后你来指挥这条船
| 3. | Call the gun crews to deck . rig man - ropes over the stern and pull the boats in 召集所有炮手来甲板,用缆绳从船尾将小船都放下去
| 4. | Then his entire gun crew ' s killed . soon as he went up the mizzen , will falls 他的整个炮手班都死光了,他一到后桅,威尔就倒下了
| 5. | The figures come in four poses , with one of each pose intended to form a gun crew 炮手有四种姿态,每种姿态都力图能配在炮组中。
| 6. | Range estimates from the foretop would not have been very useful at that time , especially given the decimated gun crews and difficulties relaying data . ( flags were probably used from the foretop to the gun ) 这种测距方式并不精准,特别是在船身剧烈摇晃或者是火炮烟硝阻碍观测视线的时候。 )